Thursday, June 21, 2007

Session 6 - Week of June 30

What are the challenges of learning online?

I have found that learning online is often challenging due to response time. By this I mean, if one is faced with a question or problem, it is sometimes difficult to get an immediate response back. This may be due to a timing conflict, etc. It is also sometimes difficult to find information that is needed. There is so much information on the web that it can be difficult to pick out what is necessary. However, with the presense of other technology such as telephone, email, fax, etc. learning online is actually very effective.

How have you overcome these challenges to locate information needed for your report?

I have overcome these challenges, or should I say am working on overcoming them in several ways. First of all, I have learned that it is absolutely essential to ask questions when necessary. I have never been one to ask for help, but I have learned that sometimes this is the best alternative in order to be successful. Another lesson I have learned is the importance of planning and organizing. When being presented with a report on a scale such as this one, it is vital to stay organized and on task. Procrastination causes one to work that much harder.

How have you been able to reach out into the community and get to know them using electronic communications?

Here again, the act of asking questions has assisted me a great deal. By making use of electronic means of communication, I have been able to talk to people miles and miles away from me in a matter of minutes.

What have you learned this week that is important to your role as a health professional?

I have learned that no matter what, there is always room to grow. Such growth can be accomplished through effective communication.

Why is what you are learning important to health care?

This sort of learning is important to health care for several reasons. First of all, it expands ones horizons by familiarizing one with information that may be seen in later in life. For instances, I may have to do a report on a community's health care program later in my career. In addition, this sort of learning teaches how to communicate with others and how to reach out to the community. It teaches how to communicate electronically and how useful this sort of communication may be.

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